Mohsen Nazemi

Mohsen Nazemi

Postdoc Research Fellow, 2024

Google Scholar | Curriculum Vitae | Website


Mohsen Nazemi received his master’s degree in Transportation Engineering and Planning from Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran, followed by a bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering. He worked in a transportation consultancy for a few years before starting his doctoral studies in Transportation Engineering at ETH Zurich (Singapore campus) in 2016.

Research Interests

  • Travel behaviour: experimental studies and surveys

  • Data science and statistical modelling

  • Transportation Systems Simulation

  • Traffic simulation and transport modelling

  • Active mobility

Research Highlights

  • Best New Researcher Award, 8th International Cycling Safety Conference, Australia, 2019

  • Canada Research Chair (2017-2022)

  • Best Paper Presentation Award, 7th International Cycling Safety Conference, Spain, 2018

  • Winner of the Three Minute Thesis Competition, Future Cities Laboratory, Singapore, 2017

In the media

Contact us


Centre for Urban Innovation
CUI-330, Toronto Metropolitan University
44 Gerrard Street East, Toronto ON M5G 1G3, Canada

416 979-5000 ext 556456
